Everyone everywhere is talking about the movie The Sound of Freedom. In this episode,
Kerri and Jessica talk about their real-life work to educate and equip parents and other
community members to respond to human trafficking and what you need to know.
Kerri Taylor
Kerri is the Executive Director of Unbound Now Houston.
She is a member of the Child Sex
Trafficking Team’s Advisory Council for Harris County, and on the board of the
Brazoria County United Front Coalition to Fight Human Trafficking. Kerri earned her
Bachelor’s Degree from Baylor University in Education and her Master’s degree in
Speech Pathology and Audiology from the John A. Burns School of Medicine at the
University of Hawaii. As a speech/language pathologist she specialized in treating adult
neurogenic disorders and children ages 0-3. Kerri was named Galveston County’s woman
of the year for 2019 by the Galveston Regional Chamber of Commerce.
Conversation Keys:
What have you heard about the movie Sound of Freedom?
What do you know about human trafficking?
What scares you about it?
What would make you feel more safe and supported?
Hope for Healthy Relationships:
Your child doesn’t have to experience the trauma of trafficking.
Prevention education is hope!
You have more influence with your child than anyone else.
Exercise it and take advantage of it.
God is on the move and there are people who are mobilized and moving heaven and earth to make an impact on this issue.
Click here for more information on human trafficking.
Click here for the Human Trafficking School Safety Protocol Toolkit.
Check out some of these other resources on human trafficking based on Dr. Peck’s work:
What Parents Should Know About Human Trafficking: Love Where You Are Podcast with Somer Colbert
Houston Chronicle Op-Ed: Pandemic Causes Child Trafficking to Soar
Spotlighting National Human Trafficking Awareness Month:Warm 106.9
A Call for Nurses to Recognize Child Trafficking as an Emerging Child Health Threat