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The Hamilton Minute

Where's Wheaton?

Aired: December 27, 2018
Ep ID: 19916

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“For Demas, in love with this present world, has deserted me and gone to Thessalonica.”  Acts 20:35(b) (ESV).

My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.

Pro-life activist Ryan Bomberger, head of the Radiance Foundation, made a presentation at Wheaton College, at the invitation of the College Republicans, titled “Black Lives Matter: In and out of the Womb.”  It was strong appeal to protect and defend babies in the womb.

Soon after the presentation, Bomberger was denounced in an email from Wheaton College leadership.

What has happened to the Christian university, founded in 1860 by Christian abolitionists, that was once a stop on the underground railroad when it denounces a Christian abortion abolitionist who fights for the sanctity of human life?

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