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The Hamilton Minute

woMEN powerlifting

Aired: May 08, 2019
Ep ID: 25683

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“Professing to be wise, they became fools.” Romans 1:22 (NASB).

My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.

Four women’s powerlifting world records were shattered by Mary Gregory, a biological man who identifies as female. The transgender athlete set the powerlifting world records in women’s squat, bench press, dead lift, and scored a Masters world total record.

In the intersectionality olympics the rights, existence, and even concerns of women and girls are outranked by transgender interests.

That’s why a man is celebrated for dominating a women’s competition.

The cultural emperor is parading around clothes-less, yet the serfs are compelled by threats of social banishment to remain silent.

Movement should never be confused with progress. Transgender ideology is evidence of regression.

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