“Encouragement Live,” hosted by Dr. Don Hawkins, is the weekly national radio broadcast of Master Life Coach Training Institute.
Dr. Erwin Lutzer joins us to talk about his new book, We Will Not Be Silenced: Responding Courageously to Our Culture's Assault on Christianity.
Overcoming loneliness and depression during this holiday season
Dr. Hawkins welcomes Ray Heinen and Dr. Rex Rogers from SAT-7 to talk about the Hamas attack on Israel
Christian Life Coach John Redd joins us to talk about stress management
Getting through the holidays with Master Life Coach John Coleman
Peace of Mind in Global Uncertainty
The Confusing Maze of Medicare Annual Enrollment
Dr. Rex Rogers of Sat-7 gives us an update on Israel
Dr. Gene Getz talks about the challenges of living life alone
Dr. Hawkins and Dr. Rex Rogers discuss the situation in Israel
Dr. Hawkins discusses Medicare with guest Toni King
Dealing With A Crisis
Grandparenting from a grandchild's perspective with guest host Danny Webster. Danny's guests are John Coleman and Rodney Love
Fear and what to do about it with Dr. Don Hawkins and Dr. Rex Rogers
You can connect with SAT-7 here
Toni King joins Dr. Hawkins to talk about all things Medicare
You can find Toni's website here
Roxane Indermuehle, of His Faithful Stewards, joins Dr. Hawkins to discuss stewardship
Find His Faithful Stewards website here
Larry Fowler, of The Legacy Coalition, discusses helping grandparents understand the incredible potential they have to impact their grandchildren's' spiritual lives.
Click here for The Legacy Coalition
John Redd joins Dr. Hawkins to give answers and hope for today's stressed out Christians
Connect with Hope Speaks here
Dr. Erwin Lutzer discusses his new book "The Power of a Clear Conscience"
Dr. Hawkins is joined by Dr. Rex Rogers , president of SAT-7 to discuss rapid social change