The Hamilton Minute is a power packed 60 seconds where we tackle the issues of the day through the lens of God’s Word. You don’t want to miss a moment of it.
The Hamilton Minute is a power packed 60 seconds where we tackle the issues of the day through the lens of God’s Word. You don’t want to miss a moment of it.
“Professing to be wise, they became fools.” James 1:21(a) (NASB).
My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.
With a 12-6 vote the Nevada state Senate moved one step closer in an effort to complete nullify the Electoral College as established in the U.S. Constitution.
Should its Democratic Governor sign the legislation, Nevada will add six electoral votes to the 189 already pledged by 14 other states and the District of Columbia bringing the total electoral votes represented in the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact to 195.
The compact requires 270 votes to go into effect.
Unsurprisingly, the jurisdiction in the compact are all dominated heavily by Democrat politics.
Some people really hate the Constitution.
“Therefore, putting aside all filthiness and all that remains of wickedness.” James 1:21(a) (NASB).
My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.
According to the New York Times, the number of rat sightings in New York City has increased 38% between 2014 and 2018.
In the same period, the number of times the city health inspectors found active signs of rats nearly doubled: 30,874 “active rat signs” compared to 16,315 in 2014.
The top spot for rat sighing complaints has the Upper West Side, followed by four Brooklyn neighborhoods, Prospect Heights, Bed-Sty, Buschwick and Ocean Hill.
There are mountains of garbage in the city and rats are seen gorging themselves nightly.
The rats have taken over.
“Do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but instead even expose them.” Ephesians 5:11 (NASB).
My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.
Upon receiving notification that PBS’ Arthur, a children’s cartoon, was set to air the same-sex wedding of its Mr. Ratburn character Alabama Public Television Director of Programming Mike McKenzie refused to air the episode.
Mike McKenzie also said Alabama Public Television has no plans to air the same-sex wedding episode in the future.
Explaining the decision McKenzie said, “our feeling is that we basically have a trust with parents about our programming. This program doesn’t fit into that.”
Alabama is winning more than college football national championships these days.
Good on you Alabama.
“Behold, children are a gift of the LORD, The fruit of the womb is a reward.” Psalm 127:3 (NASB).
My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.
The number of babies born in America dropped to a 32 year low in 2018, according to the CDC.
To replace a generation 2,100 births per 1,000 women are needed. In 2018, that rate reached just 1,728 births per 1,000 women.
The rate has generally been below replacement since 1971 and consistently below replacement for the last decade.
The genesis of the consistent failure to reach population replacement levels with baby births can be traced to the early 1970s.
Roe v. Wade was decided January 22, 1973.
You do the math.
“And this day shall be unto you for a memorial.” Excerpted from Exodus 12:14 (KJV).
My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Corner.
Three years after the Civil War ended, the head of an organization of Union veterans established Decoration Day as a time for the nation to decorate the graves of the war dead with flowers.
Decoration Day has now come to be known as Memorial Day, the day we honor those military members who have given their lives to secure our nation’s freedoms.
As we honor them, let’s pray for our military members. In addition to their physical safety let us also pray for their spiritual and eternal well being.
“Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm.” Proverbs 13:20 (ESV).
My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.
Following the Jussie Smollett saga, where Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx dismissed 16 felony charges against the actor who plotted his own hate crime hoax, several co-stars of the hit television series Empire wrote a letter to executives and producers demanding that Smollett return to the show.
Fox Entertainment responded to the letter by announcing the show, Empire, is cancelled.
The show’s sixth season will be its last.
There was a saying in my neighborhood growing up: those who play stupid games win stupid prizes.
Hate Crime Hoax Jussie has toppled the entire “Empire.”
“The mouth of the righteous is a fountain of life, but the mouth of the wicked conceals violence.” Proverbs 10:11 (NASB).
My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.
In a podcast for Yahoo News, Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib said thinking about the Holocaust gives her a “calming feeling.”
Additionally, in a speech at a Council on Islamic-American Relations event Tlaib said she was comforted “by envisioning her enemies float by dead” in a river.
It is absolutely bizarre to consider these things as “calming” and “comforting.”
But this woman is now in the United States of America’s Congress.
What have the people of Michigan’s 13th Congressional District wrought upon these United States?
When people tell you who they are, believe them!
“The wicked flee though no one pursues.” Proverbs 28:1(a) (ESV).
My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.
Finger-pointing between high-level Obama administration government officials has begun over who pushed the unverified Steele dossier weeks before President Trump’s inauguration.
Former FBI Director James Comey says that in 2016, former CIA Director John Brennan insisted on using the dirty dossier.
But Brennan and former National Intelligence Director James Clapper are saying Comey is the one who ran with the dirty dossier over their objections.
This finger pointing is a tacit admission that they all knew it was wrong and illegal to use the dossier in the first place and it’s happening because A.G. Barr is on the trail.
“For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb.” Psalm 139:13 (ESV).
My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.
According to the CDC and the Guttmacher Institute the number one reason women choose abortion is they’re “not ready for a child.”
2) “Can’t afford a baby.”
3) “Don’t want any more children.”
4) “Don’t want to be a single mother.”
5) “Not mature enough to raise a child
6) “Would interfere with education or career.”
Those reasons represent 95% of all abortions.
Risks to the mother’s physical health represent less than 4% of all abortions and conception resulting from “rape and incest” represent 1% of all abortions.
The reality? Abortion is used as birth control.
“And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself.” John 12:32 (ESV).
My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.
Mass amounts of Muslims in Iran are converting to Christianity at such a rapid pace the Iranian government convened a meeting to find out why so many of its citizens are abandoning Islam and turning to Jesus.
Iran remains a hardline Islamist nation. Christianity is illegal there and conversions to Christianity result in torture, imprisonment, and social stigma for the new Christian and their families.
Nevertheless, underground house churches continue to spring up across Iran.
Though it’s hard to get an accurate number estimates have ranged from 800,000 to 2 million Christians now in Iran.
“Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house.” Matthew 5:15 (ESV).
My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.
Judy Martinson, Superintendent of the Dieringer School District in Seattle, sent a letter to all of the teachers in her district, asking them to bless Muslim students in Arabic during Ramadan.
Reportedly, CAIR, the Council on American-Islamic Relations, an un-indicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation terrorism financing trial, encouraged the school district to take this action and Superintendent Martinson complied.
Amazingly, separation of church and state concerns at American public schools seem to magically vanish when Islam is at issue.
“Be strong and courageous.” Deuteronomy 31:6 (ESV).
My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.
The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled the Trump administration’s policy of returning asylum seekers to Mexico to wait for their asylum hearings in that country, rather than the U.S. does not violate U.S. law.
This means the U.S. can send illegal border crossers back to Mexico regardless if they claim asylum. We do not have to return to a catching them and releasing them into the U.S. where most would just disappear, never showing up for any hearings.
The 9th Circuit’s ruling shows it is likely that the Trump administration will win this fight on the merits even before the Supreme Court.
“A slack hand causes poverty, but the hand of the diligent makes rich.” Proverbs 10:4 (ESV).
My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.
Over 50 years after opening its first restaurant in the Atlanta area, according to food-service consultancy Technomic, Inc., Chick Fil-A is set to become the 3rd largest fast food chain in America.
The only two companies ahead of them are McDonalds and Starbucks.
In the past ten years, Chick Fil-A sales have tripled to $10.2 billion in 2018.
In spite of boycotts by city governments, boycotts by regressive colleges and universities, slanderous coverage in the media, and closing on Sundays; what some folks like call the Lord’s chicken just keeps on ticking.
“For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb.” Psalm 139:13 (ESV).
My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.
Georgia Governor Brian Kemp signed heartbeat bill, which bans abortion once the baby’s heartbeat is detected with gusto.
He said, “The bill is very simple but also very powerful: a declaration that all life has value, that all life matters, and that all life is worthy of protection. I realize that some may challenge it in a court of law. But our job is to do what is right, not what is easy. We are called to be strong and courageous, and we will not back down. We will always continue to fight for life.”
Bravo, Governor Kemp, bravo!
“Evil men and seducers will go on from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived.” 2 Timothy 3:13 (ESV).
My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.
Democrats have demanded to see a completely un-redacted version of the Mueller report.
What many are unaware of however is that Dems have refused to review a 99.9% redaction free version A.G. Barr made available to them where only grand jury information is concealed. All that remains redacted, according to National Review, is 2 full lines and 4 partial lines, 2 of which are in footnotes.
This shows Democrats in Congress don’t really want to see an un-redacted Mueller report. They simply want to be able to argue about seeing an un-redacted report.
“And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:32 (ESV).
My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.
A retired judge seeking the appointment of a special prosecutor to investigate exactly what lead Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx’s office to drop charges against “Empire” actor Jussie Smollett has subpoenaed Foxx, her chief deputy, and Smollett to appear at a hearing to discuss the case.
The Chicago Sun Times reported that retired Cook County appellate judge, Sheila O’Brien filed a petition demanding the appointment of a special prosecutor to investigate Foxx’s office.
O’Brien argued Foxx misled concerning the Smollett case.
She now seeks to rectify what she perceives as a very public miscarriage of justice.
“A man without self-control is like a city broken into and left without walls.” Proverbs 25:28 (ESV).
My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.
The Migration Policy Institute conducted a study that found 98,000 illegal aliens graduate high school in America annually.
MPI last studied this issue in 2003. Then, only about 60,000 illegal aliens graduated high school annually.
That is nearly a 44% increase over that time period.
The states with the largest number of illegal alien graduates were California, Texas, and Florida. The top 15 graduating states account for about 81% of all graduates.
A nation without borders is no nation at all. The United States welcomes all legal immigrants. Illegal immigration, however, must be stopped.
“Professing to be wise, they became fools.” Romans 1:22 (NASB).
My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.
Four women’s powerlifting world records were shattered by Mary Gregory, a biological man who identifies as female. The transgender athlete set the powerlifting world records in women’s squat, bench press, dead lift, and scored a Masters world total record.
In the intersectionality olympics the rights, existence, and even concerns of women and girls are outranked by transgender interests.
That’s why a man is celebrated for dominating a women’s competition.
The cultural emperor is parading around clothes-less, yet the serfs are compelled by threats of social banishment to remain silent.
Movement should never be confused with progress. Transgender ideology is evidence of regression.
“For nothing is hidden that will not come to light.” Paraphrased from Luke 8:17 (ESV).
My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.
The New York Times grudgingly admitted the FBI did in fact spy on the Trump campaign.
They reported a “woman had set up the meeting in September 2016 (with George Papadopoulos)” under the false pretense of discussing foreign policy issues. “But she was actually a government investigator posing as a research assistant. The FBI sent her as part of the counterintelligence inquiry.”
The Times added this “is one previously unreported detail of the operation.”
What do you call a “government investigator posing as a research assistant?” A spy, that’s a spy!
But the Times doesn’t really want to admit it!
“Justice is turned back, And righteousness stands far away; For truth has stumbled in the street, And uprightness cannot enter.” Isaiah 59:14 (NASB).
My name is Abraham Hamilton, III and this is The Hamilton Minute.
Massachusetts U.S. District Court Judge Shelley Richmond Joseph was indicted for obstructing justice when she and her court staff helped a twice-deported illegal alien evade arrest by an ICE Officer.
Jose Medina-Perez was deported in 2003 and 2007, but he was arrested again in 2018 for illegal drug possession.
The ICE Officer appeared in Judge Joseph’s courtroom to arrest Medina-Perez, but Judge Joseph and her staff helped him escape out of the back door.
The Judge has now been arrested and indicted for obstructing justice.